Read compete story on Looks like Lady Gaga is also caught in a " bad romance " with " Monster F" . Rah rah ah-ah-ah! Ro mah ro-mah-mah....Gaga ooh-la-la! The ' ultimate Slayer of Dragon F ' dropped a double edged sword on all fibromyalgia patients. ( 1. Monster F got promoted to dragon F and 2. No I did not mean mother of dragons #GOT ). One could not be more elated with the long overdue attention fibromyalgia is getting. From being a perpetual wallflower to the likes of cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinsons and paralysis, it has finally got the limelight it had been missing. The " Paparazzi " (one of my fav songs) are all over it now. Gaga's coming out ( and I don't mean closet) might be a catalyst in finding a solution to fibro. By the way, if you don't already know, Morgan Freeman came out of this closet much before Gaga. Yes, he too, could not escape the fangs of Monster F. Seems like Monste...